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Min favorit Ardbeg - Oogie
Ardbeg Oogie ifølge Serge Valentin
"A fool and his money are soon parted"
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Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
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womens leather jacket womens leather jacket
70-417 70-417
700-505 700-505
350-080 350-080
700-501 700-501
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Marginalt ja - L8 er måske den bedste.Der er en forskel på de forskellige batches
Når de ikke smages HTH kan jeg dårlig smage forskel.
"A fool and his money are soon parted"
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Den bedste jeg har smagt er L7 325 der simpelthen udklasserede de 5 andre batches jeg smagte den op imod. Jeg tror der var faldet et par gamle fade ned i den batch
Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
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Han opdaterer dog ikke mere...
Kan se fra min fjernlager liste, at jeg har:
L7 257 07.03 - 4 ML (ikke listet på Tims hjemmeside)
L12 13 04.02 - 6 ML
L13 079 19.34 - 6 ML
"A fool and his money are soon parted"
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L7 257 07.03 - 4 ML (ikke listet på Tims hjemmeside)
Check lige igen
Han opdaterer dog ikke mere...
Det er vist ikke rigtigt
Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
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Sidst opdateret 2010?
Fandt ikke L7 257 07.03 4ML men kun L7 257 09.15 4ML
"A fool and his money are soon parted"
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L7 er årstallet (2007 i det her tilfælde)
257 er dagen (14 September)
07.03 og 09.15 er klokkeslettet. Din flaske er altså aftappet ca. to timer før den som er listet.
Grunden til at klokkeslettet kan være interresant er at man kan få en ide om hvor stor et batch egentligt er.
Når der er store huller i master listen skyldes det at anlægget også har været brugt til SMWS, Glen Moray og Glenmorangie
(eller anlæggene, der er nemlig flere bånd og GlenMo har også udskiftet på udstyr og hjemsted for deres aftapningshal)
Jo flere codes man har på listen jo bedre overblik kan man få. F.eks kan to ens bottle codes godt være fra to forskellig batches hvis man aftapper dem lige i rap. Og to forkellige være fra samme batch hvis aftapningen kører henover midnat.
Der er en fysisk størrelse for hvor mange flasker der egentligt er plads til i hver vatting (= 1 batch)
De største batch ligger på den store side af de 20000 flasker. Når et destilleri aftapper en whisky i "Kun 23000 eksemplarer" tænker jeg altid at "kun" er meget misplaceret, for man kan ikke aftappe større kvantum

Hvis man tror de forskellige batch er ens, har jeg for et par år siden drukket fire Ardbeg 10 "blindt" med Mr. Puett (ardbegproject.com) Vi havde en liste over de fire bottle codes. Mr. Puett matchede de fire glas med de fire botle codes!
Det var lidt blæret for at sige det på jysk, selvom det var hans egne flasker

En af de mere interresante ting man kan se fra masterlisten er at der kun har været aftappet Rennaisance en gang. Et batch.
Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
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Opdateret i år. Mr. Puett er afhængig af at folk mailer ham bottle codes, selvom han gerne vil have en flaske af hver, så er det meget svært. Jeg kender ikke ikke mange der støvsuger forhandlere for A10 batches man ikke lige har derhjemme

Så hvis man ligger inde med noget der kan forbedre listen kan man sende dem her www.ardbegproject.com/contact.shtml
Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
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Fra idag betragter jeg min flaske som en HELT unik flaske, som samlere vil betale hvad som helst for - jeg mener - hvor mange har liiige en flaske der er aftappet netop klokken 7:03?

"A fool and his money are soon parted"
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Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
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I have to admit that I have not updated the codes on the individual expression pages as I should remove the codes from those pages. I just don't have the time or technical skills to dynamically update codes to each bottle expression page. The Master List is the one to reference, and I do update it as much as I can. However, I am dependent on other whisky enthusiasts for contributions as well.
As for the time section of the code, it would be impossible, and in all honesty, even more absurd for me to include all times for the code. Consider the Renaissance, which was approximately 21,000 bottles. It was bottled over a 3 (calendar) day period of around 27 hours, minus a 4 hour break (in theory), so it seems there would be about 1,000 bottles per hour (or about 16 per minute). Far too many for me too record. You may suggest that the codes are incomplete due to the exclusion of all time possibilities, but I may wager an accusation that the codes section of my site will ALWAYS be incomplete. I don't have documents that provide a start and ending time for not just every expression, but for that matter, any expression, and I just try to supply information to those that may find it as interesting as I do. As for value purposes, I say all Ardbeg is worth what you are willing to pay for a drink. Anything else should be left up to those that care about collectible values. I, for one, do not.

IMPORTANT:the first five digits (ex: L7 252) are the main part of the code, and the other four digits (14:15) are the time of the day. There will be hundreds of different codes for each day as bottling runs can extend for hours.
I do appreciate any and all input, and if you have codes you would like to share, I will definitely add them when my day job permits.

As for the blind tasting Steffen "MacDeffe" and I did here, I simply tried to guess the code based on which batch I liked, and in what order. I knew the order in which I liked the batches we poured, and when trying them blind, I put them in order I liked and lined up the codes.

I hope this explains my position a bit more, but please let me know if there is something I might do to improve the site.
I apologize for the English I'm using, but I do not speak Danish.

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Apart from you not speaking or reading Danish, I have no complaints whatsoever

I am not really that much into Ardbeg - except for Oogie.
Keep up the good work!
"A fool and his money are soon parted"
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You've picked a fine expression to like. Uigeadail is a keeper in my opinion. Cheers...
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