Vanvittige whiskypriser...

13 years 1 week ago #25135 by Duffer
Ardbeg sample udgivet som promotion/marketing sample/gave til bloggere, pressen osv.
Indhold 5 cl + en Alligator kasse
Den gik for 571 € / 4.322 danske kroner på auktionen der netop er afsluttet
Link til Whiskyauction: ... ini=0zzzzz

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

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13 years 1 week ago #25136 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Vanvittige whiskypriser...
Ja, der er nok mange om budet da den er eftertragtet af både etiket samlere og miniature samlere


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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13 years 1 week ago #25137 by tdh1
Replied by tdh1 on topic Vanvittige whiskypriser...
Dem sku man lige have nogle stykker af. De var fluks omsat til div. 70 cl. flasker (-:

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13 years 1 week ago #25140 by Springbank21
der er en der har set forkert på størrelsen....ha ha ha......forestil jer skuffelsen....ha ha ha



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12 years 11 months ago #25450 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Vanvittige whiskypriser...
"Dalmore Astrum / 40 Year Old
Another impressive bottling from the folks at Dalmore, matured for almost four decades in bourbon casks before a final 18 month stint in 30 year old Gonzalez Byass Matusalem sherry casks. It's named for the latin word for 'Constellation' and is certainly rather shiny."

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12 years 11 months ago #25455 by JimTaggart
Dalmore Astrum, 40 års, 42%, mine smagsnoter:

duft: blomster - violer, måske. Æblekage, lim, appelsin.
smag: støvet rum og noget surt. Gamle frugter, der har ligget i blød i alkohol - og så træbitterhed.

Personligt giver jeg den 78 på 100-skalaen. Ikke alt, der skinner, er guld...

Venlig hilsen

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12 years 10 months ago #25917 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Vanvittige whiskypriser...
Den anden dag kom Redbreast 12-års CS til 71,95 £
Fra i dag kan man så få Glenmorangie Millennium som er 12 år gammel og nedvandet til 40 %.
Prisen er på 78,95 £ !!!

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12 years 5 months ago #26956 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Vanvittige whiskypriser...
Ardbeg Hotel Bero - 20-års Ardbeg - IM019 - p.t i 556 €

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12 years 5 months ago #26963 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Vanvittige whiskypriser...

Ardbeg Hotel Bero - 20-års Ardbeg - IM019 - p.t i 556 €

Endnu engang et eksempek på at det hjælper der står Ardbeg på flasken. Jeg syntes at Uigeadail er noget bedre, ja nogengange meget bedre, end denne hotel aftapning.


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 5 months ago #26972 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Vanvittige whiskypriser...
Abhainn Dearg Isle of Lewis Single Malt 46% - 50cl - 3-år gammel - pris 167,50 £

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12 years 5 months ago #26974 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Vanvittige whiskypriser...
Den kom ud til 150 £ og kan stadig fås til denne pris hos TWE

Stadig dyrt, men destillerier forsøger jo at få lidt i kassen ved deres førsteudgivelser, uagtet whiskyen er ganske forfærdelig. Den her ville jeg nok rate omkring de 65 så den er bestemt ikke værd at drikke


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 5 months ago #26975 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Vanvittige whiskypriser...

Den her ville jeg nok rate omkring de 65 så den er bestemt ikke værd at drikke

Så noget i samme standard som Braunstein?
Det ser ud til der er en del danskere der har købt Braunstein første udgivelser i håb om at lave en mindre formue.
Det er sådan med whisky investering, at går det hele galt med hensyn til at få dem solgt, så kan man altid drikke dem selv...
Jeg vil så hellere drikke Famous Grouse end Braunstein :-)

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12 years 5 months ago #26983 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Vanvittige whiskypriser...

Så noget i samme standard som Braunstein?

Ja deromkring, ringere vil jeg faktisk sige


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12 years 5 months ago #26992 by Peteys
Replied by Peteys on topic Vanvittige whiskypriser...
Famous Grouse har da bevist at det er en udemærket whisky??
Det er lidt synd at sammenligne den med noget halvfærdigt noget.
Medmindre det er lillesøsteren, Snow Grouse vi snakker om!


Den bedste dram er den næste dram!

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12 years 5 months ago #26995 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Vanvittige whiskypriser...
Absolut ingen fejl på Famous Grouse og da slet ikke prisen taget i betragtning :-)

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12 years 5 months ago #26998 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Vanvittige whiskypriser...
"Spending More Wisely on Whisky"
Link: ... Drink.html

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12 years 5 months ago #27021 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Vanvittige whiskypriser...
Port Ellen 12th Release - 2012 - 600 £
Port Ellen - Are they taking the piss?
Link: ... -the-piss/

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12 years 4 months ago - 12 years 4 months ago #27125 by Duffer
The Glenglassaugh Distillery is pleased to announce the launch of an exclusive and unique range of single casks, each one of which has been finished in different wine casks from the world famous Crimean winery, Massandra.

Massandra is the oldest winery in the Crimea, it has been producing fine wines for more than 110 years winning international acclaim for their exceptional quality. The winery was built in 1894 - 1897 near Yalta, Crimea and the subtropical air climate of the region and the protective shields of mountain chains create unique conditions for the production of high quality fortified and dessert wines.

Glenglassaugh has exclusively purchased a small quantity of casks from Massandra which had previously been used for maturing the very best wines from this winery. Each cask has imparted it's own unique character and style and these now form the exclusive Glenglassaugh Massandra Connection Single Cask Series.

Each cask has helped the single malt Scotch whisky to develop its own exclusive, distinctive character while still retaining all of the award winning qualities for which Glenglassaugh is rightly very highly regarded. This range is different, it is truly outstanding and each of the styles is unique.

Madeira Style Finish 33 Year Old 44.8% - £350
Muscat Finish 39 Year Old 44.1% - £390
Aleatico Finish 39 Year Old 50.7% - £440
Sherry Style Finish 39 Year Old 53.3% - £460
Red Port Style Finish 45 Year Old 50.2% - £690

Kilde: Single Malts Direct

Man kan undre sig over hvorfor man vælger at lægge så gamle whiskies på vinfade.

"A fool and his money are soon parted"
Last edit: 12 years 4 months ago by Duffer.

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12 years 4 months ago - 12 years 4 months ago #27229 by Duffer
Ian Buxton omkring blandt andet whiskypriser:

"We spoke to noted whisky expert, Ian Buxton, author of the two 101 Whiskies books, who said to us, “I have serious reservations about some of the prices now being paid. While some spectacular long-term returns have been achieved on certain bottles, these were never bought for ‘investment’ and the original retail prices reflected that. Some early buyers got lucky and it’s highly questionable if today’s market can sustain these rates of growth.”

“Whisky was made to drink,” he added “and treating it purely as an investment object denies its soul and spirit. Bottles at $100,000 and up represent an aberration with far too much of the price reflected in lavish packaging. If distillers want to position their whisky as ‘investment grade’ they should have the confidence of the great Bordeaux wine houses who use the same standard bottles as supermarket claret and let the liquid do the talking.”

“I’m horribly reminded of the fable of the Emperor’s New Clothes and I fear that what we’re seeing is a bubble market that will end badly.”

EBay Bans Alcohol Sale - Drink Spirits

"A fool and his money are soon parted"
Last edit: 12 years 4 months ago by Duffer.

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12 years 4 months ago #27233 by Macdeffe
Disse superdyre whiskyer har kun et formål. At tiltrække opmærksomhed til brandet. Glenrothes, Macallan, Glenddich, Dalmore får ubetalelig reklame hver gang de aflever end flaske i super prisklassen

Det bedste man kan gøre er at ignore det, men en stor mængde af nyhedssites, blogs og whiskyfora svælger i disse aftapninger og debatterne kører lystigt over hele internettet :-)

Det er meget nemmere at få opmærksomhed hvis man aftapper en dyr whisky end hvis man aftapper en god whisky (det ene udelukker dog ikke det andet..)

Bedste eksempel er Dalmore. En middelmådig whisky (muligvis er det deres aftapningsstrategi der kunne være bedre, hvem ved?) der med stor succes har lykkedes at markedsføre sig selv som en top-malt. Sirius, Constellation, Selene, Astrum, Aurora er kun aftappet med det ene formål


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
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12 years 4 months ago #27247 by Peteys
Det ser jo desværre ud til at det virker. Alle sætte jo priserne op nu. Det er som om whisky skal være en luksus vare, og det er sku en farlig vej at gå.

Man må næsten håbe der er nogen der tager ved lære, men der er måske endnu en whisky boble på vej.


Den bedste dram er den næste dram!

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12 years 4 months ago - 12 years 4 months ago #27250 by Duffer
Fokus på de "legendariske Sassiscaia-vinfade" men ikke et ord om at indholdets alder, som formentlig er 5-7 år. Juuls Benromach

Prisforskellen fra vort naboland er dog til at føle på - mere end dobbelt så dyr - 105% dyrere

"A fool and his money are soon parted"
Last edit: 12 years 4 months ago by Duffer.

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12 years 4 months ago - 12 years 4 months ago #27275 by Duffer
Port Charlotte An Turas Mor Multi Vintage 46%, som med jævne mellemrum sælges hos Coop til 249,- (ca. 33 €) kan også købes hos hos andre danske forhandlere til 599.
De kan dermed prale med at være verdens dyreste! :-)
Ikke noget nyt vil man måske mene, men det nye består i at en dansk forretning også er den billigste i verden...

"A fool and his money are soon parted"
Last edit: 12 years 4 months ago by Duffer.

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12 years 4 months ago #27276 by Mikaelornsholt
Hvilken hjemmeside er det fra?

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12 years 4 months ago #27277 by Macdeffe

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12 years 4 months ago #27283 by Mikaelornsholt
Tak for det hurtige svar :)

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12 years 4 months ago - 12 years 4 months ago #27291 by Duffer
Dalmore har sendt en "samlerflaske" på markedet.
Det drejer sig om en 30-års Dalmore Ceti Edition 1, som i Tyskland koster 1.350 €
Den er aftappet ved 45% og så skulle den have fået af karamelsprøjten (E150) :lol:
Den er endnu ikke på Dalmores hjemmeside

"A fool and his money are soon parted"
Last edit: 12 years 4 months ago by Duffer.

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12 years 4 months ago - 12 years 3 months ago #27319 by Duffer
Octomore til 89.99 £

Octomore 5 Bruichladdich is the most highly peated whisky ever - now peated at 169ppm. It is strictly a limited edition with only 18,000 bottles worldwide sold in allocation only. Octomore 5 is matured in classic oak casks with distinctive black packaging.

Kilde: Single Malts Direct - Octomore

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Last edit: 12 years 3 months ago by Duffer.

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12 years 4 months ago - 12 years 4 months ago #27332 by Duffer
Sku's indlæg om den kommende whisk(e)y boble...

"None of us saw it coming," Dinero says of the crash, "I mean, here I had invested most of my life savings into these whiskies, assuming I would be the first whisky billionaire once I flipped them all, but then it just all went to hell. Now I can't give the stuff away. I mean, I try to tell people, hey, this is a 50 year old Bowmore, and they're like 'dude, it's just booze.' The bottles are quite lovely though, I managed to sell a bunch of the empty ones on ebay. Apparently, they make a perfect vase for Dutch tulips."

As many whisky lovers said at the time, the bright side about having a whisky collection, however worthless, is you can always drink it, but on that point, Dinero demurs, "Sure I drank some of it, but all those Dalmores? Who would want to drink all that stuff?"

After the Whisky Bust

"A fool and his money are soon parted"
Last edit: 12 years 4 months ago by Duffer.

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12 years 3 months ago - 12 years 3 months ago #27404 by Duffer

Fra FB - Whiskyfun

"A fool and his money are soon parted"
Last edit: 12 years 3 months ago by Duffer.

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