Jura Islanders' Expressions Collection No.1

Jura sender en ny aftapning ud i global travel retail. Inspirationen til aftapningen kommer fra ø'ens befolkning.

Denne første aftapning er lavet i samarbejde med Amy Dunnachie, aka Amy Finds. "Amy is a story-telling jeweller who forages for objects across the island, creating new treasures with everything she finds, each telling their own unique story". "Outside the bottle, we showcase a handmade pin made by Amy, formed from copper and rope washed up from afar on Jura’s shores"

Aftapningen er afsluttet på rum fade fra Barbados og aftappet ved 40%

Noter (Jura):

Nose: Rich tropical fruit, citrus, coconut, vanilla and nectarine

Taste: Enticing sweet notes of grilled peaches, bananas, passion fruit, papaya, and mango, balanced with a creamy finish with warm sweet spice and a lingering richness.

Pris ca. €50,00

Kilde: Jura

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