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Nye, spændende aftapninger
Inchgower 25 yo (54.1%, Whisky Doris, 2006)
Nu er der en ny Inchgower på markedet, men denne gang en 36-års:
www.whisky-doris.de/content/Inch ... Doris.html
Refill Sherry Cask
Destilleret 18.02.1974
Aftappet 25.08.2010
Aftappet ialt 167 flasker
ABV 55.5%
Pris 150 €
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Glendronach 1990 / 20 Year Old / PX Puncheon Cask #3068 www.thewhiskyexchange.com/P-13497.aspx
Glendronach 1990 / 20 Year Old / PX Puncheon Cask #3059 www.thewhiskyexchange.com/P-13566.aspx
Glendronach 1991 / 18 Year Old / Oloroso Sherry Butt #2512 www.thewhiskyexchange.com/P-13498.aspx
Kilde: The Whisky Exchanges
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Speyside (Glenfarclas) 1965 / 45 Year Old / Sherry - 52.7%
Another outstanding old sherry monster from Douglas Laing, bottled for their Platinum Selection.
This should be fabulous.
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Douglas Laing
A refill hoghead of Port Ellen 1983, bottled by Douglas laing for their Old Malt Cask collection. Not too phenolic with a lovely, subtle, heathery nose that becomes quite fruity with time. The palate is more forward, with flavours of Fishermen's Friends and tarry smoked wood.
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"Glenfarclas distillery was founded in 1836 and purchased by the Grant's in 1865 who still run this family company.
The 175th Anniversary of the distillery in 2011 will be celebrated by a limited edition Glenfarclas 175th Anniversary.
It is composed of multiple barrels, one from every decade that is still found in the warehouses (the oldest should be from the 1950's if I remember correctly) and bottled at 43%.
The box carries different labels of Glenfarclas bottlings, both old and new designs."
Prisen skulle blive omkring 90 € og den skulle være klar i midten af Januar.
Kilde: Whiskynotes
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Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
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hashtags bliver sikkert #wk209 og #oldpulteney
Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
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Lochside er et legendarisk Highland destilleri som desværre måtte lukke i 1992 og senere blev delvist nedrevet.
Karakteren var typisk frugtig med maritim indflydelse og det er nu sjældent man finder en ny aftapning derfra.
Pris 150 €
Link: www.whisky-doris.de/content/Loch ... Doris.html
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Pris knap £142
Karl Ejnar
Jeg er ikke samler - blot lidt bagud med at drikke

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Nu hos RMW til 74,95 £og den skulle være klar i midten af Januar.
Link: www.royalmilewhiskies.com/produc ... 8&lkid=167
Citat: "This is a pretty limited release (6000 bottles) since it contains a cask of Glenfarclas' oldest whisky: the 1952!"
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Den bedste dram er den næste dram!
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- dongregers
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Smagsnoter fra Serge:Whisky-Doris har aftappet en 29-års Lochside
Lochside 29 yo 1981/2010 (58.8%, Whisky-Doris, fino sherry butt, cask #960) Five stars A fino cask, that should be interesting! Colour: gold. Nose: very different from the Cadenhead's, much farmier, vegetal and rather leathery. Touches of sulphur (close to truffles here, also a little gas), cooked asparagus and roasted chestnuts. Quite some menthol in the background as well as a little grapefruit that reminds us that this is Lochside. What's quite amazing is how it gets then much crisper and more lemony while the sulphur disappears - completely. Was I dreaming? With water: I was dreaming. Typical Lochside now, well in the style of the Cadenhead's, with a very, very discreet fino character (walnuts). Mouth (neat): perfect ‘Lochsideness' in a thin gangue of honey and smoky praline "“ or something like that. Very powerful, needs water or it'll burn your throat. With water: again, we're extremely close to the Cadenhead's even if this is a tad richer. Probably the seven extra-years of maturation. Finish: long, citrusy, with a sudden saltiness in the aftertaste. Notes of ginger and orangettes (strip of crystallised orange zest covered with chocolate "“ that's good!) Comments: quite a rollercoaster, this Lochside! Excellent and entertaining. SGP:551 - 90 points.
Kilde: Whiskyfun
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1968 Bunnahabhain www.singlemaltsdirect.com/bunnah ... lands.html
1976 Bunnahabhain www.singlemaltsdirect.com/bunnah ... lands.html
1977 Glenlivet www.singlemaltsdirect.com/glenli ... lands.html
1980 Caol Ila www.singlemaltsdirect.com/caol-i ... lands.html
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Historien bag kan læses her: worldofwhiskies.com/Specials/Mal ... -Month.php
Tasting Notes:
The first aroma is reminiscent of tarte tatin - caramelized apples on a rich pastry base "“ and behind this, nuts, minerals and salty beaches. The latter scents are retained when a little water is added, although the nose becomes drier overall, with a light herbal note and warm planed hardwood. Tasted straight, it is dry and salty after a lightly sweet start, warming and leaving an aftertaste of milk chocolate; with water it is sweeter and fresher; still appetizingly salty "“ the key characteristic of Old Pulteney.
Occasion: A perfect aperitif
Comment: Fresh as a breezy day by the sea-side!
Kilde: WOW
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Jørn - Fredericia
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Jeg mindes med glæde sommeren 2006 da vi stod i de mørke Port Charlotte Warehouses og smagte de allerede dengang fantastiske dråber fra fad no. 895, som var lidt over 4 år gamle på det tidspunkt

Vi ses på fredag hos undertegnede hvor vi fejrer Fredericia Whisky Golf & Gourmandise Society ´s 10 års Jubilæum

og selvfølglig også smager Bruichladdich 9 år fra fad no. 895 mums, aftenens eneste indslag med peat and smoke

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Linket viser nye og tidligere aftapninger.
Link: www.maltsandmore.de/index.php?la ... asc&page=2
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Prisen skulle ligge på 55-60 £
Leif Eriksson is a new release from the Orcadian distillery of Highland Park, and commemorates the first European to have reached America, establishing settlements in Newfoundland and Labrador during the early 11th century. This is a highly unusual variant of Highland Park, since it features no spirit matured in European oak ex-Sherry casks, only whisky from former Bourbon barrels and American oak Sherry casks. The result is a nose of mixed spices, vanilla and muted bonbons. Briefly floral with time, before mangoes, figs and a slightly earthy note of smoke and soy sauce appear. The palate offers fresh citrus fruit, malt and gentle peat smoke, while the medium-length finish is relatively sweet, with oak and a little peat. 40.0% ABV, 70, £60.00, Duty Free & Travel Retail.
Kilde: Whisky pages
Serge' smagsnoter: www.whiskyfun.com/archivejanuary11-2.html#250111
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Auktionen er nu lukket:Port Charlotte Fresh Sherry Hogshead no. 895 - 12.2001 ->02.2011. 63,4 %
IM131a current bid is € 166
IM131b current bid is € 179
IM131c current bid is € 170
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www.lfw.co.uk/cgi-bin/sh000001. ... 4062#a4062
46% - 40.50 £
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- Nemesis1972
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Nu også på WA - søg på IM131aPort Charlotte Fresh Sherry Hogshead no. 895 - 12.2001 ->02.2011. 63,4 %
Opdatering 29.3.2011
IM131a current bid is € 60
IM131b current bid is € 120
IM131c current bid is € 95
Ville ikke sælge mine for 900kr
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LFW fik deres sending i går og må nu melde udsolgt.
"Limited to just 600 bottles in the UK"
Prisen vil ligge omkring 81.50 - 85 £
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Aftappet af 4 (fire) af de bedste sherryfade fra 1960'erne og hvis man ligger fadenes alder sammen skulle det give 175 år.
Alt undtaget prisen lyder spændende - ca. 3.300 DKK i Tyskland
Kilde: Malts and More
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Det er ikke hvem som helst der står bag det Glasgow baserede firma, nemlig Donald Hart og hans søn Andrew Hart.
De fleste aftapninger er aftappet ved 46% men der findes også fadstyrke aftapninger i sortimentet.
Flere større tyske forhandlere har The Maltmans flasker på hylden nu.
Link: www.meadowsideblending.com/
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Old Pulteney Isabella Fortuna WK499 kan efter den store lufthavns succés nu også købes i almindelig handel.
Wk209 er åbenbart taget af markedet.
TWE: www.thewhiskyexchange.com/P-14779.aspx
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Rated til 87 point
Prisen ligger på ca. 45 €
Whiskyfun: www.whiskyfun.com/#290911
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Den danske importør af Kilchoman FC Whisky afholdte tidligere på året en ren Kilchoman smagning for Kolding Whiskylaug af 1999.
Man smagte 8 forskellig Kilchoman. Noget af en bedrift.
Lauget spurgte om det var muligt at få aftappet et fad Kilchoman exclusivt til medlemmerne.
Ideen blev præsenteret for Kilchoman, som var positive.
Et godt fad blev udvalgt og fadprøver blev fremsendt - og godkendt af Kolding Whiskylaug
Nu er flaskerne kommet til Danmark.
Her er lidt fakta:
250 flasker - 60,4% alc - Bourbon - fad 186/2006 - dist 16.08.2006 -
aftappet 12.09.2011 - 5år.
Det eneste vi hos FC Whisky nu fortryder er at vi ikke har sikret os en enkelt flaske så vi kunne smage.
Så nu håber vi bare på at et medlem fra lauget byder på en dram, ellers er det den første aftapning der er kommet til Danmark som vi ikke har smagt på.
FC Whisky
Niels Ladefoged
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Udkommer om et par uger.
Prisen skulle ligge på ca. 235 £
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Port Ellen: www.whisky-doris.de/content/PortEllen29W-D.html (Bourbon Hogshead - 29-år)
Bunnahabhain: www.whisky-doris.de/content/Bunn ... 31W-D.html (Bourbon Hogshead - 31-år)
Ardmore: www.whisky-doris.de/content/Ardmore19W-D.html (Bourbon Hogshead - 19-år)
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