
13 years 3 weeks ago #24984 by Duffer
Tillykke! was created by Duffer
Mr. Al Jones fylder 60 år i dag!
Et stort tillykke herfra.

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

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13 years 3 weeks ago #24985 by BigMac
Replied by BigMac on topic Tillykke!
Hej Al,

Også tillykke fra det Nordjyske...


So many malts - so little time...


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13 years 3 weeks ago #24986 by uldall
Replied by uldall on topic Tillykke!
Stort Tillykke AL!

Velkommen i de modne Whisky nyderes alder, det må være denne eleksir der gør os "unge" at se på

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13 years 3 weeks ago #24987 by uldall
Replied by uldall on topic Tillykke!
Den Store hilsen uden afsender var fra den unge mand i 7000 :wink:


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13 years 3 weeks ago #24988 by dklund
Replied by dklund on topic Tillykke!
Tillykke med føsdagen 60 er jo ingen alder

Dennis Lund

Dennis Lund

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13 years 3 weeks ago #24989 by bdujgp
Replied by bdujgp on topic Tillykke!
Stort tillykke med dagen, og tak for alle de gode arrangementer du har stået for i tidens løb :-)

Jørn - Fredericia

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13 years 3 weeks ago #24990 by jones
Replied by jones on topic Tillykke!
Tak for fødselsdagshilsener!

Så sent som igår bestilte jeg endnu en 1952 flaske (Tak for tip, Duffer).

Med årene kommer man jo til at ligne sin whisky mere og mere - stærk, moden og kompleks!

Tak for det, drenge.

Al J.

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13 years 3 weeks ago #24991 by MacNiels
Replied by MacNiels on topic Tillykke!
Tilllykke med dagen Al.
Det er da fint at du lige fandt en flaske mere til smagningen her i februar ;-)

Håber du får en god dag!


Niels Ladefoged

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13 years 3 weeks ago #24992 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Tillykke!
Tillykke. Har drukket en 1952 49yo Glenlochy i dagens anledning :-)


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur


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13 years 3 weeks ago #24993 by dmwa
Replied by dmwa on topic Tillykke!
Også et tillykke fra Rønde - håber du får en RIGTIG god dag!

Med højt løftet glas



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13 years 3 weeks ago #24994 by jones
Replied by jones on topic Tillykke!
Steffen - Var det den her?

Glenlochy Old Malt Cask 49 år 43% april 1952/maj 2001

Det var første gang jeg gav mere end 2000,- for en flaske ( £265), men desværre ikke sidste gang.

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13 years 3 weeks ago #24995 by Springbank21
Replied by Springbank21 on topic Tillykke!
Også et stort tillykke fra den lille sjællænder......håber ar se dig snarest til en omgang gyldne dråber.



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13 years 3 weeks ago #24996 by JimTaggart
Replied by JimTaggart on topic Tillykke!
Hej Al. Også et stort tillykke med fødselsdagen her fra det fynske land. Ser frem til at nyde masser af god whisky i dit selskab fremover :D

Venlig hilsen

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13 years 3 weeks ago #24997 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Tillykke!
Ja, lige præcis

Bedste Glenlochy jeg har smagt, og jeg var igennem 4 andre for et par uger siden


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur


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13 years 3 weeks ago #24998 by karlejnar
Replied by karlejnar on topic Tillykke!
Hej Al - stort tillykke med den runde dag. Håber jeg kan finde en ligeså gammel 1956'er til sin tid. Ellers må jeg overveje at gemme den 1956/2008, jeg har.

Karl Ejnar
Jeg er ikke samler - blot lidt bagud med at drikke ;-)

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13 years 3 weeks ago #25000 by Hans-Henrik
Replied by Hans-Henrik on topic Tillykke!
Også stort tillykke fra Falster. Træk momsen fra alderen så er det lige før den 49 årige Glenlochy passer helt perfekt :-)


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13 years 3 weeks ago #25003 by EckoVicto
Replied by EckoVicto on topic Tillykke!
Også stort tillykke herfra fra nabolaget.
Har også luret på den Glen Grant, så glæder mig til at se nogle smagsnoter.

Glenlochy'en er forøvrigt på WA - www.whiskyauction.com/cgi-bin/au ... item=HM418

Mvh Esben


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13 years 2 weeks ago #25046 by jones
Replied by jones on topic Tillykke!
Når man ser Glenlochy 1952 til €630 - og auktionen er ikke slut endnu - synes man at £265 "dengang" var det rene dumpingtilbud.

Den fås også til £1023 her

www.drinkfinder.co.uk/glenlochy- ... -70cl.html

Esben, hvis du har gået og luret på Glen Grant 59 års, så er det vist for sent.

Der var kun 48 flasker af denne Maison du Whisky eksklusivaftapning og jeg fik åbenbart sidste flaske.

Den var i hvert fald væk fra hjemmesiden www.whisky.fr dagen efter at jeg bestilte.

Al J.

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13 years 2 weeks ago #25047 by EckoVicto
Replied by EckoVicto on topic Tillykke!
@Al, Det er dig vel undt at du fik den sidste flaske ;-)
Når man er på SU er €700+ også lidt for mange penge for en enkelt flaske.
Til gengæld kan jeg trøste mig med en nylig erhvervet Glen Grant, 33 yo., G&M, 40%, bottled +/- 1980



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13 years 2 weeks ago #25049 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Tillykke!
Det går nok Esben, da jeg var studerende stod den på ævlebævle og Odense pilsner, nogle vil nok mene min smag ikke har ændret sig siden :-)


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur


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13 years 6 days ago #25240 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Tillykke!
Jeg har endnu et tip til de som er født i 1952, omend i en anderledes prisklasse:
Glen Grant - 60-years old Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee -1952-2012
7.995 £

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

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13 years 6 days ago #25241 by EckoVicto
Replied by EckoVicto on topic Tillykke!
Her er Serges vurdering

Glen Grant 60 yo 1952/2012 'Diamond Jubilee' (42.3%, Gordon & MacPhail, 85 bottles) Four stars and a half This baby's got everything, elm, silver, crystal and Harris tweet. I must say I find it less kitsch - or bling - than other recent efforts by other whisky people who are currently trying to trade up. Colour: gold (much paler than the 1953). Nose: makes the 1953 winey in comparison, it's interesting that G&M chose one that was rather subtle and ‘un-raisiny'. No bomb on the nose, once again it's a delicate and elegant malt, rather on baked apples, bitter oranges, touches of cloves and candied ginger plus a little marzipan and orange blossom water. Also very ripe gooseberries and then discreet whiffs of humus and moss. Maybe old roses. Again, it's more lace than Harris Tweed! Mouth: the difference with the 1953 is striking. This is only a wee bit stronger in theory, but on the palate it's another world. The first thing that's also striking, just like with the 70yo Mortlach and Glenlivet, is the fact that the oak never takes control. It's there, of course, but it works just like some cinnamon on a plum pie, if you see what I mean. It's still plum! No biggish notes of anything in fact, rather a complex assortment of tiny flavours such as kumquats, caraway, liquorice, dates, maybe chestnuts, a little tobacco, mead, pecans"¦ Granted, the oak becomes a notch louder towards the finish (white pepper) but it's all under control. Finish: medium long, on mint and earl grey tea. More cinnamon in the aftertaste. Comments: quite a miracle. I believe these very old malts cannot compare to some 30 or even 40yo bottlings that are usually more full and satisfying (but there are exceptions, such as the fabulous 1952 by G&M for LMDW that we tried on January 19 "“ WF 92!), but this one is a good example of a very old one that kept a large part of its vibrancy, so to speak. Despite a rather low strength. So worth some big fat 88 points in my book, which is a lot in this context since I try to never take the whisky's ‘pedigree' into account when scoring it. By the way, a part of that pedigree is the price: £8,000. Royal! SGP:451 - 88 points.


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13 years 6 days ago #25244 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Tillykke!
"Whisky distillers mark Queen's Diamond Jubilee with £100,000 60-year-old malt"
Kilde: Mirror.co.uk
Link: www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-storie ... -23738863/

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

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