Lidt rygter og smånyheder

11 years 7 months ago - 11 years 7 months ago #28746 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Det ser ud til at adskillige nye destillerier snart åbner

I artiklen nævnes

Falkirk Distillery
Adelphi's Ardnamurchan
Et microdestillery i Glenrothes, Fife
Ballindalloch i Aberdeenshire
sant Anniston Farms i Lunan

Derudover er der jo Diageo's nye destillery nær Teaninich, Annandale i Lowlands, Chivas Bros' nye destilleri i Carron, Glen Carron (Hvor Imperial lå før) samt Kingsbarn

Udover de nævnte er der flere på vej, men de er nok mere på det jeg vil kalde rygteplan (hvad man nok også kan sige om nogle af de ovennævnte)


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
Last edit: 11 years 7 months ago by Macdeffe.

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11 years 7 months ago #28753 by karlejnar
Der er også et mikrodestilleri nær Perth, der skulle åbne snart
Strathearn Distillery

Derimod ser det ikke ud til at Scotch Liquer Centres destilleri i Aberargie lige syd for Perth bliver til noget, de blev nægtet planning permission

Karl Ejnar
Jeg er ikke samler - blot lidt bagud med at drikke ;-)

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11 years 7 months ago - 11 years 7 months ago #28754 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder

Jeg var en tur forbi Annandale i November hvor arbejdet var i fuld gang


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
Last edit: 11 years 7 months ago by Macdeffe.

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11 years 7 months ago #28755 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder

Strathearn. Yes off course. Vi var en gruppe danskere aka "The Danish Drinking Team" samt en enkelt amerikaner der var forbi i starten af Maj og fik en lille rundtur. Vi var officielt destilleriets første besøgende :-)

De sælger også fade, og vi har da tænkt os at købe et eller to. Der bliver nok plads til flere andelshavere, men mere om det senere


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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11 years 7 months ago #28786 by MacNiels
Replied by MacNiels on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Arran kommer med The Devil’s Punch Bowl Chapter II

The Devil’s Punch Bowl Chapter II 'Angels and Devils' is a limited edition expression of The Arran Single Malt inspired by the glacial hollow Coire na Ciche whose sinister presence dominates the north-east coast of Arran.
Our Master Distiller, James ‘Lucifer’ MacTaggart, has been to hell and back to select only the finest casks for this demonic masterpiece. Each cask has been chosen to contribute a specific characteristic and through the dark art of blending these whiskies have conspired to create an elixir of exceptional complexity and finesse.

Tasting Notes :

Nose: The nose is vibrant with the hallmark notes of classic dried fruits, light spice and cigar box as the base of Sherry comes to the fore and sets the tone for this complex dram.

Palate: Here the depth of Sherry sweetness comes into its own. Notes of dark chocolate with a layer of delicate butterscotch spice mingle to create a rich initial burst of character. With a dash of water, the lighter shade of the Bourbon barrel emerges with soft citrus and vanilla notes dancing on the tongue.

Finish: Over time, the fresh citrus is counterbalanced by the earthy nature of the peated barrels. The depth of spice and light twist of smoke will intrigue you long after the last drop has disappeared.

Niels Ladefoged

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11 years 6 months ago - 11 years 6 months ago #28826 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Fuld kvinde kører ind i LDI

Hvorfor artiklen udelader destilleriets tilstand er mig en gåde :-)


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
Last edit: 11 years 6 months ago by Macdeffe.

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11 years 6 months ago #28828 by Doc
Replied by Doc on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Dalmore Constellation Collection kan nu købes et par cl. ad gangen, dog kun i 79, 80, 91 og 92 aftapningerne

Ville ellers gerne have givet en 10 punds penge for at smage 64'eren

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11 years 6 months ago #28829 by Doc
Replied by Doc on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder

"Dear Friends,

It is with a very heavy heart that I share with you that our beloved Master Distiller Emeritus Elmer T. Lee, 93, passed away today, July 16, 2013 after a short illness.

In the world of making really fine whiskey the role of Master Distiller is pivotal, but Elmer's meaning to those he met, came to know, and worked with closely extended far beyond that of a Master Distiller. Elmer defined, in the simplest terms, what it means to be a great American - hard working, self-made, courageous, honest, kind, humble, and humorous.

Elmer was born in 1919 on a tobacco farm near Peaks Mill in Franklin County, Ky. He graduated from Frankfort County High School in 1936 and worked for Jarman Shoe Company until December 1941. He then served with the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II as a radar bombardier on a B-29. After flying missions against Japan through 1945, Elmer was honorably discharged in January 1946. He returned home and studied engineering at the University of Kentucky, where he graduated with honors in 1949.

In September 1949 Elmer began working in the engineering department of the George T. Stagg Distillery in Frankfort. In 1966, Elmer was promoted to plant superintendent, responsible for all plant operations and reporting to the plant manager. 1n 1969, he became plant manager.

But it was in 1984 that Elmer's contribution to the bourbon industry gained him the most notoriety, when he introduced Blanton's, the world's first Single Barrel Bourbon. Elmer retired in 1985 but continued to serve as an ambassador for Buffalo Trace, and in 1986 he was honored with his very own single barrel bourbon, Elmer T. Lee. Of course, for those of us who knew Elmer, he never really retired. Every Tuesday we could see Elmer making his rounds at the Distillery in his trademark cap, signing bottles, posters, and other memorabilia at the Gift Shop, visiting his friends in Blanton's Bottling Hall, and tasting bourbons (for quality control purposes!) in the lab.

Elmer was always ready to offer advice, and was a wealth of information that many of us relied on, myself included. Harlen Wheatley would inquire with Elmer when stuck on a mechanical problem, and any historical questions about the Distillery always went to Elmer, who, with his razor sharp memory, could invariably answer. To all of us, Elmer was a friend, a mentor, and a trusted advisor.

Elmer was known through the bourbon industry for his expertise and knowledge about bourbon whiskey and he received numerous awards and recognition, including induction into the Bourbon Hall of Fame in 2001, the Lifetime Achievement Award from Whisky Advocate in 2002, and the Lifetime Achievement Award and Hall of Fame induction from Whisky Magazine in 2012.

We have lost a wonderful friend today, and he will be missed terribly.

Services for Elmer T. Lee are pending and will be announced shortly.


Mark Brown"

Citat slut

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11 years 6 months ago #28830 by LochLading

Whisky skal drikkes, det er jo ikke frimærker.

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11 years 6 months ago #28836 by DanielChristensen

Messe i KBH.

Vh Henrik

Ja, endelig noget ordentligt på Djævleøen!!

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11 years 5 months ago #28956 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder

Man kan ikke bare tilmelde sig, men kan ansøge om en billet


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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11 years 5 months ago #28957 by havenmorgan
Det kunne være sjovt at se hvad den masterclass bød på

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11 years 5 months ago #28958 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder

Til prisen vil jeg kalde det et særdeles tyndt program, men det afhænger nok af hvad man anser Dalmore delen for at være værd...

Glenrothes masterclass ligner en meget gennemsnitlig smagning

Balvenie smagningen er identisk (tilsvarende vel) med den der var til Whiskymessen (til 200kr)

David Robertson smagningen minder om, men når ikke op på samme kvalitet, som de vertikalsmagninger GogM har holdt ved SoS gennem årene


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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11 years 5 months ago #28969 by EckoVicto


Man kan ikke bare tilmelde sig, men kan ansøge om en billet


Ja så vil jeg nok hellere betale lidt mindre og ta til denne event


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11 years 5 months ago #28971 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Ja, helt klart. Prisen er en fjerdedel, programmet ser mere spændende ud og hotel og mad er inkluderet :-)


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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11 years 5 months ago #29016 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Diageo Special Releases 2013

Caol Ila Unpeated 56.9% £70
Lagavulin 12 YO 55.1%
Oban 21 YO 58.5% £225
Cardhu 21 YO 1991 54.2% £160
Talisker 27 YO 1985 56.1% £475
Brora 35 YO 49.9% 3000 bottles £750
Port Ellen 34 YO 1978 3000 bottles £1500
Lagavulin 37 YO1976 1920 bottles £1950


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #29017 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder

Diageo Special Releases 2013

"Buy - while stocks lasts"

"A fool and his money are soon parted"
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by Duffer.

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11 years 5 months ago #29018 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Jeg glæder mig mest til at se hvor mange af de 5-6 personer jeg kender, der indtil videre har købt PE hvert år, også finder plads i budgettet i år.

Den første har meldt forfald


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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11 years 5 months ago #29022 by Peteys
Replied by Peteys on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Underligt at PE pludseligt er dobbelt så dyr som Brora. Ikke at Brora er billigt altså....

Den bedste dram er den næste dram!

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11 years 5 months ago #29023 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Det mest underlige er at i takt med prisernes himmelflught er flaskerne blevet sværere at finde

De ender nok i Asien ?


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #29025 by EckoVicto
Nå så fik Braunstein en gold award fra IWSC

Det må have været fra et andet og langt bedre fad end det andre herfra whiskynyt har smagt på!!

Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by EckoVicto.

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11 years 5 months ago #29026 by BigMac
Replied by BigMac on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder

Nå så fik Braunstein en gold award fra IWSC

Det må have været fra et andet og langt bedre fad end det andre herfra whiskynyt har smagt på!!

Meh! and way overpriced...

So many malts - so little time...

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11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #29027 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder

Meh! and way overpriced...

Der er dog et positivt aspekt - nu skal alle have sådan en flaske hvilket i det mindste gavner den danske statskasse...
Om få uger, når denne er udsolgt, kan man finde den på diverse online medier til 10.000 DKK sammen med alle de andre Braunstein flasker...

IWSC's dommerpanel er, med enkelte undtagelser, alle fra vinbranchen.

"A fool and his money are soon parted"
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by Duffer.

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11 years 5 months ago #29061 by Whiskinger

Diageo Special Releases 2013

Nogen der ved hvornår de kommer på markedet?

Jeg tænker nu ikke så meget på en flaske PE... :S

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11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #29062 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder

Ny Tomatin

Lightly Peated. A Combination of Virgin Oak, Bourbon and Sherry casks

"For those commenting on age, the peated malt is just under 8 years old and this will get older in coming batches


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by Macdeffe.

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11 years 5 months ago #29103 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder

Bowmore The Devil's Casks

56.9% 10yo First Fill Sherry

6000 flasker


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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11 years 5 months ago #29108 by BigMac
Replied by BigMac on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Det ser nu ud til at der endelig kommer lidt liv tilbage i den gamle Rosebank-bygninger

Læs lidt om det her:

So many malts - so little time...

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11 years 5 months ago #29111 by Thon
Replied by Thon on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Nogen go ideer til hvem der kunne tænkes at få Bowmore "Devil" til salg ?

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11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #29113 by DanielChristensen

Bowmore The Devil's Casks

56.9% 10yo First Fill Sherry

6000 flasker


Den skal jeg ha'!!! Og deres priser plejer ikke at være skudt helt af selvom det er specialaftapninger!
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by DanielChristensen.

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11 years 5 months ago #29114 by EckoVicto
Ja den lander på £50.99, så det er vel en ok pris


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