Lidt rygter og smånyheder

12 years 7 months ago #26657 by MacLars
Replied by MacLars on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Arran - The Devil's Punch Bowl.

6660 flasker, frigives på lørdag på Arran Malt and Music festival

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12 years 7 months ago #26660 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Aldrig før har Mull været så tør, så Tobermory så for første gang nogensinde i historien har man været nødsaget til at lukke produktionen ned på grund af vandmangel.

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

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12 years 7 months ago #26661 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
32 x 1972 Caperdonich - den ultimative sammenligning?
Kilde: Whiskynotes

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

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12 years 7 months ago #26669 by MacNiels
Replied by MacNiels on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Rygterne fortæller at Inchmurrin 12yo og Glen Scotia 12yo (OB'er) får et "facelift" både med hensyn til indhold og design.


Niels Ladefoged

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12 years 7 months ago #26670 by DanielChristensen
Endnu et nybegynderspørgsmål :-) Hvad er en OB'er?

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12 years 7 months ago #26671 by karlejnar
OB står for Owners Bottling (=destilleriaftapning). I modsætning til IB, som betyder Independent Bottler - uafhængig aftapper.
OB kunne også betyde official bottling, da der er et lille antal "standardaftapninger", som ikke aftappes af ejerne selv, men f.eks af en uafhængig aftapper. Gordon & MacPhail har aftappet for et antal destillerier, og Berry Bros & Rudd aftapper de officielle Glenrothes.
Et andet eksempel er Convalmore, her ejer Wm Grants destilleribygningerne, men Diageo ejer stadig navnet, så det er dem, der aftapper OBer fra destilleriet.

Karl Ejnar
Jeg er ikke samler - blot lidt bagud med at drikke ;-)

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12 years 7 months ago #26672 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder

Nu spørger jeg nok dumt, men går ikke ud fra at en OB'er i denne verden er en fra Odense, så kunne en lige indvie mig i dette??

Endnu et nybegynderspørgsmål :-) Hvad er en OB'er?

I samme tråd... :-)
Original Bottling, Official Bottling, Own Bottling eller som Kalle skriver - Owners Bottling
MM beskriver OB som Official / owner bottling
En god side for begyndere: ... cotch.html

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

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12 years 7 months ago #26673 by DanielChristensen
Og så fik jeg svar ;)

Tak for link! Det er en super side!!

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12 years 7 months ago #26697 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Remy Martin er ude efter Bruichladdich

Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 7 months ago #26700 by jones
Replied by jones on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
De fortjener vist hinanden.

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12 years 7 months ago #26701 by MacLars
Replied by MacLars on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Lidt mere informationer om Rémy's interesse i Bruichladdich ... -1-2401082

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12 years 6 months ago #26726 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder

Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 6 months ago #26748 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Spectrum WK 217 46%

3. og sidste Old Pulteney i WK serien. Kun til travel retail (i første omgang ?)

Old Pulteney releases the final instalment of the boat series "“ WK217 'Spectrum'
Old Pulteney Single Malt Scotch Whisky, known as The Maritime Malt, has released the
third and final expression of an acclaimed series of single malts related to extraordinary
boats from Wick. The inspiration for the last instalment came from WK217 'Spectrum'. She
was built in 1920 and went down in local history as one of the first Wick drifters to use a
pioneering method of fishing called Anchor Seine Netting. She was also used during World
War II for harbour service duties.
Old Pulteney WK217 'Spectrum' was distilled and matured at Pulteney, the most northerly
distillery on Scottish mainland. American and Spanish oak ex-sherry butts of exceptional
quality were used in the ageing process. The whisky has not been chill-filtered or artificially
coloured. Old Pulteney WK217 has a premium strength of 46% ABV and is available in 1
litre bottles.
Old Pulteney WK217 'Spectrum' follows the very successful WK499 'Isabella Fortuna' and
WK209 'Good Hope'. It is already on sale exclusively at World of Whiskies and World Duty
Free at major airports around the UK. It will eventually become available across travel retail
outlets throughout Europe and Middle East. Recommended retail price in the UK is £39.99.

Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 6 months ago - 12 years 6 months ago #26749 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder

Spectrum WK 217 46%
3. og sidste Old Pulteney i WK serien. Kun til travel retail (i første omgang ?)

Det må være fjerde udgave:
1. WK499 Isabella Fortuna - 52%
2. WK499 Isabella Fortuna - 2nd Edition - 46%
3. WK209 Good Hope - 46%
4. WK217 Spectrum - 46%
Anmeldt her af Charles MacLean - og lidt historie: ... year,2012/

"A fool and his money are soon parted"
Last edit: 12 years 6 months ago by Duffer.

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12 years 6 months ago #26750 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Balvenie kommer også med en 50års i nær fremtid

Cask 5576, destilleret i 1962, 44.1%, under 60 flasker


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 6 months ago #26751 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Ud over de tre nævnte i et tidligere indlæg ser det ud til at der kommer en 30 års Auchroaisk i Diageo's annual releases

54.7% ca. 6000 flasker


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 6 months ago #26752 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Balblair har startet en medlemsklub på deres website

Der udover nogle få features også giver adgang til en ekslusiv single cask aftapning

Limited edition single cask soon available to Gathering Place members only

We're delighted to announce the approaching launch of a limited release single cask bottling, only available to members of The Gathering Place.

Cask 1463 from 1990 represents a very rare style of Balblair. Most of our stock is aged in American oak, ex-bourbon barrels, with a small amount aged in Spanish oak, ex-sherry casks. However, we have discovered a cask of Balblair from 1990 which is American oak, but which had previously contained an Islay whisky. The resulting flavour is unmistakable Balblair but with an unusual twist!

On the nose it is sweet, smoky and spicy with elements of toffee, butterscotch oranges, apples and floral notes. There is a full bodied flavour with a long smooth finish; smoky and spicy with sweetness developing from hints of orange, vanilla and toffee.

We will be giving members the exclusive opportunity to purchase a bottle of this unique piece of Balblair history to mark the launch of The Gathering Place. This cask will not be available anywhere else in the world. Bottles are limited to one per member. You'll have to be quick, as there are only around 150 bottles available and they will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

54.1% ser det ud til på billedet


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 6 months ago #26753 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Jeg ville ønske det så mere elegant ud når man uploader billeder på det her forum... :-)


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 6 months ago #26754 by MacNiels
Replied by MacNiels on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Forum er ikke god til at begrænse størrelsen på billeder, kun file size kan den finde ud af.. Men nu har jeg tilrettet størrelse på det billede der fik det til at se mærkeligt ud.

Man kan faktisk også linke til et billede fra et andet site hvis dette ønskes.

Niels Ladefoged

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12 years 6 months ago #26755 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Ja hvordan ser det ud når man linker ?


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 6 months ago #26756 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Det virker måske kun med jpg filer ?

(Sidste år kom der et svensk frimærke med Mackmyra)


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 6 months ago #26757 by MacNiels
Replied by MacNiels on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder

Ja hvordan ser det ud når man linker ?


Det er den rigtige måde du benyttede, men sjovt nok så hedder billedet kun png, altså uden file extension.
Så en browser kan finde ud af det, men ikke forum toolet.. ÆV..

Niels Ladefoged

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12 years 6 months ago #26758 by Duffer
Replied by Duffer on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
IWSC - International Wine and Spirits Competitions 2012 Awards er netop offentliggjort:
IWSC link:
Klik på "View 2012 Results"
Product Type: "Spirits"
Free Text Search: "Whisky"

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

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12 years 6 months ago #26771 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Archives 4. release

- Macduff 2000
- Glen Ord 1998
- Glen Scotia 1992
- Ardmore 1992
- Bunnahabhain 1990
- Caol Ila 1982
- North British 1962 (50år)

I Limburg fik jeg at vide at de regnede med at sælge NB 1962 til 160 eller 170€, nu må vi se om det holder :-)


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 6 months ago #26790 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Heaven Hill opgraderer Old Fitzgerald med en ny aftapning

Larceny, 92 proof. Det bliver en "small batch" aftapning hvor alderen på fadene bliver fra ca. 6-12yo

HH har dog i deres PHC serie aftappet en 10 års wheater, og det bliver spændende at se om Larceny kan præstere noget der minder om den. I USA skulle prisen være 25$ og mon ikke prisen kan holdes i Danmark når nu der er 5cl mindre i flasken ?

Angående PHC er 2012 versionen en blend af to typer mashbill :

The 2012 release will feature select barrels of 11 year old Heaven Hill rye-based Bourbons, used for such renown brands as Elijah Craig and Evan Williams, mingled with select barrels of the wheated mashbill Heaven Hill uses for the Old Fitzgerald line, also aged for 11 years. Bottled at cask strength, this bottling showcases not only the individual whiskeys, but also the skill of the Master Distiller in selecting and marrying them together in the right proportions.

The rye-based Bourbon was pulled from the 4th floor of Rickhouse "R"

Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 6 months ago #26793 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Deanston kommer med en limited edition 20yo

5 fade med variabel charring er blended sammen og giver en fadstyrke aftapning på 56.4%


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 6 months ago #26843 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Buffalo Trace har eksperimenteret lidt med tønder af fransk eg, i en størrelse der vel svarer til en sherry butt, eller hedder det et sherry butt? :-)

Der kommer to aftapninger til september, hhv en 19yo og 23yo

Også interresant er det at de har over 1500 fade liggende som de selv betegner som "eksperimental"

19 Year Old Giant French Oak Barrel "“ This 135 gallon barrel was filled on January 28, 1993 and was bottled June 28, 2012. It came off the still at 135 proof and was entered into the barrel at 129.8 proof. The evaporation rate on this barrel was 34.8%, which is considerably lower than a typical 53 gallon barrel, which averages 55-60% evaporation for the same time frame. The flavor is clean and well rounded. The taste is sweeter than expected with caramel and butterscotch notes followed by an oaky finish
23 Year Old Giant French Oak Barrel "“ This giant barrel was also 135 gallons, filled on May 17, 1989 and bottled on June 27, 2012. The whiskey entered into the barrel at 130 proof and the evaporation rate was lower at 46.8% than a typical sized 23 year-old barrel. After 23 years, the flavor of this whiskey is complex and full bodied with notes of sassafras, caramel, birch, and tea berry.
"Both of these barrels yielded pleasant tasting whiskeys, and we were surprised about the evaporation rate being so low. Evidently the large size helped retain more of the whiskey while also imparting a well-rounded and full bodied flavor,"

Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 5 months ago #26881 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Nye aftapninger fra Speciality Drinks Ltd., (The Whisky Exchange)

Bowmore 1985 / 26 Year Old / Single Malts of Scotland
70cl / 54.9% 110 £

Glen Keith 1989 / 22 Year Old / Single Malts of Scotland
70cl / 50.7% 74.95 £

Aultmore 1992 / 20 Year Old / Single Malts of Scotland
70cl / 52.9% 69.95 £

Braes of Glenlivet 1989 / 23 Year Old
70cl / 54.9% 74.95 £


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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12 years 5 months ago #26885 by BigMac
Replied by BigMac on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Den 11-16 september 2012 er der Bourbon Festival i Bardstown, Kentucky

Læs mere på: og


So many malts - so little time...

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12 years 5 months ago #26912 by Macdeffe
Replied by Macdeffe on topic Lidt rygter og smånyheder
Kittling Ridge Estate Wine and Spirits ændrer ikke overraskende deres navn til Forty Creek Distillery. Måske ikke den mest banebrydende nyhed :-)


Self-Styled Whisky Connoisseur

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